What DO They Teach Them At Those Schools? Sexual Scandal at Catholic Universities
ACTION ITEM: Now you can read and sign a petition to FUS administration here.
"Cite your source!"
That was the constant refrain for four years of taking the Great Books Honors program at my alma mater, Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH (FUS).
"Cite your source!"
It was a great way to force the resident long-winded student who had actually done the a close reading of, say, the entirety of Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, to give you enough time to skim the part he was going on about, glance at the bits you'd managed to underline, and formulate a thought sufficient to throw out to satisfy your professor.
Of course, as soon as you'd asserted something, someone else who was frantically looking for a quote themselves would cry out:
"Cite your source!"
And the game would continue.
However, it's a valuable lesson, particularly in this age when the majority of men I know are looking back at #metoo and yelling: "WITCH HUNT! Women can just run up behind you and git you now! Innocent men are falling left and right! Anything can happen!"
To which I would like to reply, calmly but seriously:
"Cite your source."
Just the Facts, Ma'am
A few days ago, Professor Stephen M. Krason, the director of Ethics in Public Life at the Vertias Center, which is housed at Franciscan University, published a controversial piece in Crisis Magazine, a Catholic publication with increasingly far-right politics. In What Sexual Harassment "Crisis"?, Krason essentially attempts to roll back any influence of #metoo, writing - without citation - in his third sentence:
"First, it is troubling that in the minds of the media and political powers that be in Washington mere allegations—often backed up by nothing more than the fact that a woman, often out of the blue, made them—are held to equal proof." (Emphasis mine.)
What follows from there is the usual witch hunt rhetoric - including some tone-deaf support for Roy Moore, stating - once again without citation - that :
"[T]here was no firm evidence that he did anything untoward, there were inconsistencies in the claims made...and some of the allegations—such as a thirty-something man seeking the affections of teenaged girls—were hardly an issue in the culture of that time and place."Immediately following this, Krason prophecies that this witch hunt (my term, not his) will lead to:
"Today it’s sexual harassment concerning which mere allegation is held to be proof. Tomorrow, it will move onto other things, until we end up having moral confusion, an undermining of law, injustices left and right, and a society of deepened inter-personal suspicion that comes to resemble something like Hobbes’ state of nature."Without even a Wikipedia-level citation of Hobbes.
A Cover-Up of a Cover-Up
Unfortunately, in an equally tone-deaf move, FUS's official Facebook page reposted the article, and were then surprised when alumni took offense at the University's director of Ethics defending a man accused of statutory rape while blaming the victims for the traumas that led to #metoo. (A moment to shine a *ahem* Spotlight on the Church and her relation to pedophiles, etc. Yes, we've purged, thank God. Yes, we're rather sensitive.)
Alumni replied back, bringing up the case against a married professor still working at the university who has been known to solicit sex regularly from his undergraduate students at a local bar. Students have attempted to report him for harassment, and have been systematically silenced by the Title IX representatives at the University.
These accusations were silenced a second time when they were dead deleted from the Facebook thread, which had since removed the link and replaced it with the following note:
Fortunately, the deleted allegations were captured and made public - as reported by Mary Pezzulo of Steel Magnificat, who was prompted to ask the question: Is Franciscan University Scared of Speaking Plainly About Sexual Harassment?
The answer, as Rebecca Bratten Weiss of Suspended In Her Jar notes in her pithy rebuttal of Krason's article is, "Yes."
What then is there to do? It breaks my heart that my beloved alma mater, where I learned so much, where I flourished under the positive mentorship of male professors, from whom I received such excellent and safe formation, is not immune to human nature. I am even now being made aware of similar incidents which happened during my blissful bubble years there.
In fact, the truth is that there is no one righteous, no, not one, and that evil can creep in anywhere.
However, as a happy Catholic myself - and as an employer and an educator - I truly believe that it is incumbent upon anyone claiming to be Catholic to hold themselves and their institutions to a higher degree of accountability.
Hence, in my small way, and armed with the rhetoric and debate I learned from Franciscan University of Steubenville, I can conceive of only one possible course of action. Sharpen your pencils, ladies and gentlemen, because it's time to...
Cite some sources.'Allo. My Name Is Inigo Montoya. You Doubt My Trauma. Prepare To Debate.
For this section, I'll be largely quoting in order from the article and then rebutting. As Krason has not bothered to make his own case, I shall in some places be making his case for him. Because I am interested in actual facts and not just logical fallacies masquerading as debate. (Retracted. Poisoning the well.)
We will be taking his points in the following order:
- Dissecting the suppositions and worldview presented in his second paragraph (first three sections), to whit:
- All men are innocent until proven guilty and allegations are not substantive reasons for action;
- Allegations made by women about trauma inflicted on women is invalid because of the gender of the accused;
- Allegations may lead to the potential ruination of all men (with implied dismissal of the actual ruination of the abused)
- Addressing a few of the themes from the remainder of his article (not exhaustive), including:
- Invoking the statue of limitation, and presuming the erasure of offense - both personal and cultural - through the passage of time;
- Appealing for "charity" (read: mercy, clemency, absolution) for the accused (who somehow require mercy despite being "innocent");
- General paranoia that the #metoo movement and feminists in general will make it impossible to touch a woman without her consent;
- Blaming women - particularly those in the arts - for being complicit in their own assaults with "self-gain" as the motive.
But Moses Supposes Erroneously
In his second paragraph, after calling the repercussions of #metoo a "frenzy," Krason states:
"[F]undamental fairness demands that there be genuine proof that a person engaged in an act—to say nothing that the act even occurred—before he’s labeled a miscreant."Krason's desire is for facts before conviction. And certainly, "innocent until proven guilty" is an important tenant of American jurisprudence - despite not being found in any American foundational document, including the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States. The earliest use of this maxim in America appears to have been around the 1800's, and has since been informally adopted worldwide. (See full article.)
Regardless, presumption of innocence is important for any judge and jury in a court of law. However, in order to get to the court of law, the defendant must be accused of a crime, which requires a presumption of guilt. If everyone in the world were presumed innocent no matter what, I'd be able to go out to my local bodega, smash through their window, and just grab a box of Triscuits right now. Because you must presume I'm innocent.
All of which is to say, "innocent until proven guilty" is only applicable to a trial proper - not a trial popular.
Dem Bitches Be Crazy!
Despite the numerous allegations which have been investigated and corroborated, Krason still dismisses them out of hand, with:
"[M]ere allegations—often backed up by nothing more than the fact that a woman, often out of the blue, made them—are held to equal proof." (Emphasis mine.)
First, Krason presumes that allegations are not a necessary part of jurisprudence ("mere allegations"). Then he dismisses the allegations, first saying that they were made by "a" single person - when in most cases, there are multiple allegations with similar predatory patterning, which is more than sufficient proof for an employer to take action, much less to put before a court of law. (If that'll even happen. Rather than paying the predator millions and sending him on vacation.)
Rather more tellingly, Krason dismisses the allegations because they are made by women which, in cases of sexual harassment and assault against women...who else are they going to come from? This statement alone should disqualify Krason as a person capable of writing on the subject of male-on-female sexual harassment. (If his views on women's fashion weren't sufficient.)
However, to presume mere ignorance on Krason's part (which ignorance of recent events would be almost extraordinary), I shall point him towards the excellent and Pulitzer Prize worthy investigative journalism done by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey about Weinstein's sexual predation in the New York Times. Or if he must hear the same and from a man (whose own sister was similarly abused and silenced), he can read the corroborating exposé by Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker. Perhaps this is not enough. I haven't time to link every single article from the Fall of Powerful Predators, but here's a good start. (You've got to do some of your own homework, Krason.)
As to the point that these allegations came "out of the blue." No, no they really don't. They may seem "out of the blue" to you, because you weren't looking, weren't listening to what your sisters and your students were screaming at the top of their lungs - or whispering on shared Excel sheets - but that willful ignorance is on you - as even The Onion rightly noted.
Truly. It is the end times when The Onion is serious journalism. |
And I Don't Give A Damn About My Bad Reputation
To finish off Krason's first major paragraph (so many fallacies, so little time), he writes:
"[T]he stakes are high indeed: the destruction of careers and livelihoods, the permanent damaging of reputations..."To which I reply with:
Oh, at last! You lovely man. |
YES! Thank you, YES! Women's careers and livelihoods are at stake! In fact, one of the great realizations to come out of the #metoo movement is just how damaging these sexual predators have been upon their female victims' careers. Women will leave a position where they are unsafe rather than stay, often leaving the field altogether. These women will then take jobs in "safe" (read: female dominated) careers which are paid even less than the usual salary discrepancy.
As for women's reputations being destroyed by sexual predators. Indeed they are. Whether being blacklisted within their chosen industry, shamed into silence, or sustaining multiple traumas which leave them in a broken life that no longer allow them sufficient credibility in the eyes of the people...there is, in fact, everything at stake.
Well said, sir. You are a true American hero.
Plot twist! |
Oh. Wait. Wait.
You meant for men. You are worried about the men. Not the actual victims who are suffering; but potential "victims" who are of your gender. Just like it's standard practice in emergency rooms not to deal with the person bleeding out in front of you, but to tell them to wait just in case the president comes in with an ear ache.
Alright, well I'll throw you a bone - and cite your sources for you (wow, this is getting tiresome) - that we have not, in fact, figured out best practices regarding date rape and rape culture on college campuses. And that, indeed, it is a more nuanced conversation than merely getting consent (more on that in a minute). However, this does not give you carte blanche to dismiss every woman who is finally brave enough to stop excusing her abuser and declare the truth as it actually is. In this case, statistically, the odds of "fake news" are simply not in your favor.
But let's get back to that "who to blame for sex" issue that seems to be the fundament of your fear, sir.The Gentleman Doth Protest Too Much
What's most telling in Krason's article - outside of his utter lack of anything resembling academic proficiency - is the amount to which he seems to tell us about his own fears. He harps frequently on the statute of limitations, he appeals to a different time period to approve of deviant sexual appetites including statutory rape, he demands - in advance of being accused - a measure of "charity" (by which he means absolution) for all men, and then he serves up that excuse as old as Adam that, deep down, the woman is to blame.
He also, and I find this very interesting, seems anxious about what behavior is and isn't appropriate. We'll come to that last.
In the meantime, here are a few quick takes on his major arguments:
Time, Time, Time, See What's Become of Me
In his defense of Roy Moore, Krason invokes not innocence, so much as time. To whit, he invokes the statue of limitations, reminding us that:
"...the alleged incidents happened forty years ago..."
He then invokes shifting cultural norms in place of a universal morality, by defending:
"...a thirty-something man seeking the affections of teenaged girls—were hardly an issue in the culture of that time and place."
- Trauma leaves the victim in a state of incapability, much like any wound. Healing sufficiently to be able to come forward may take years, decades, a lifetime if ever. Your refusal to listen doesn't help your sister heal. Moreover, there is no statute of limitations when the victim of sexual abuse was under 16 years old. BOOM. Next.
- Time doesn't go backwards. Every crime that happened, happened in the past. Just because time has passed - even a significant amount of time - doesn't mean the crime didn't happen. This is so blatantly obvious, I'm not even going to look up a physics article on how time works. I'm just going to give you:
They call it Science Fiction... |
- Finally: The Catholic Church has always stood for Truth against the vagaries of man. Molestation? Always wrong. Abuse of power? Always wrong. TO A KID? I think Christ had something to say about that. I don't care if it was a different time and place (which it wasn't) and grown men were all legally macking on young teens (which they weren't), as the Director of Ethics at a Catholic University, Krason's argument here can only make me wonder:
- What has Krason done that he needs to support the morality of statutory rape at all?; and
- How he can possibly be considered an expert in the field of ethics?
Even John Paul II is judging you. |
If I Speak With Prophetic Tongue, But Have Not Love...
The guilty man always desires mercy. In fact, only the truly guilty require mercy. So it's interesting that Krason's next grammatically tortured appeal is:
"...[E]ven without anything like probable cause as a threshold so as to determine if anything happened in the first place and if it could reasonably be believed that a person did anything wrong hardly bespeaks charity."Putting aside that Krason is still advocating mercy for potential victims over assistance for the actual wounded, it's worthy to note that he's using "charity" to mean "mercy," "leniency" or even "absolution" here - not charity. Charity is something far more awesome and awful. Charity is doing good for the other person - not indulging evil habits, but doing what is actually good for the soul of the other. Charity is the love God has for us, which St. Peter defines in Hebrews as:
"Endure your trials as 'discipline;' God treats you as sons. For what 'son' is there whom his father does not discipline?"If we have learned anything from the priest scandals, it is this:
Charity, true charity, is to remove predators from their positions and to give them the opportunity to heal from their own wounds away from those they would otherwise victimize. True charity is not to allow Weinstein and ilk to remain in power, but to face their own demons. True charity, again, is not to put Weinstein and his ilk back where they first fell, but to find new avenues for them - if possible - away from their temptations.
How Can I Touch You? Let Me Count the Ways
Which brings us at last to Krason's central fear. Which is a fear that I've seen echoed through many of my brothers' talk: that is, "How Far Is Too Far?" As Krason writes:
"If anything has been apparent from the recent exposés, it is that what constitutes 'sexual harassment' is up for grabs."
Give me a second to cite his source for him. My GOD, man. Learn to Google if you're going to be published in a nationally recognized magazine. But here you go, from the Barna Group. I'll even put the main chart here so you don't have to expend any energy clicking on things.
Krason goes on, just like the young, persistent, not-taking-no-for-a-GD-answer strawman he posits:
"Directly on point with sexual harassment, we are seeing feminists and some others pushing an expansive definition of rape that goes well beyond what has always been understood. We’re now even told that it’s sexual harassment for a young man to keep asking a young, unattached woman for a date if she keeps saying no. Didn’t at one time we think that gentle persistence would pay off in the end for both parties, that the woman might change her mind over time and wish that she had responded positively sooner?"Yesterday, I wrote in fear and trembling about some, some of my traumas. After I wrote it, I was thinking about the guys who pursued me relentlessly and with my extremely vocal negative for years in middle and high school.
I hadn't even bothered to put those guys on the list. Let me reiterate this: I didn't bother to put my long-term stalkers on the list. But if you'd like me to open that wound, too, I suppose we can.
However, as I learned at Franciscan University's Theatre Program, it only takes a moment to ask: "May I?"
And even my six year old nephew knows that "No" means "No."
She Had It Coming
And so we arrive - after his diminishment of women's voices on their own behalf, after his strawman argument about possible victimhood of men rather than actual victimization of women, after his appeal to Time as the great eraser and gentle excuser of bad deeds, his angry demand for mercy (curious for an innocent to desire), after his complaining that he doesn't get to play with me as a toy and fling his arm around me for a photograph if I do not wish it...
Ah. Yes. We come to the coup de grâce of any poorly "argued" article that's given national release:
It's all her fault.
If the tenured professor who makes you buy his self-published $300 book, and won't let girls sit in the first three rows if they're wearing skirts (citation in comments - which comments have since been deleted) concludes his "argument" with playground nonsense, the only appropriate response is this. |
"Speaking of self-interest, it’s noteworthy that some of the accusers of recent months—from the worlds of politics, entertainment, and media—say that they tolerated the harassment or agreed to provide sexual favors for fear that their careers would otherwise not advance. Were their careers more important to them than sexual virtue? Can’t they truly be viewed, at least to some degree, as cooperators with wrongdoing?"Sir: Freedom and Duress.
We've Got a Long Way, Baby
I am not going to change Krason's mind with this article. And it's doubtful whether Steubenville will step up to the plate to clean house, and truly live out her mission as a city on the hill.
But two things are for sure: We women have borne this for too long. And, gents? If you want to help, we always love a Samwise Gamgee.
Correction: Thomas Hobbes was incorrectly called John Hobbes. This is due to the author always thinking of John Locke when she starts fuming about the Age of Enlightenment. Hobbes is now Thomas, as he was originally christened.
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Hello everyone am Lucas Martinez from USA, after 15 years of marriage, me and my wife were living happily together we loved each other so much and I Loved my family they were my top priority, until one morning me and my wife had a little argument which I know every couples do have because there are no perfect couples in this world after the argument I went to work when I came home I couldn't find my wife and our kids she also packed her bags and that of the kids and left I tried calling her but I couldn't reach her I went to her friend's house but they couldn't tell me where to find her, I was frustrated I didn't know what to do I started drinking alcohol every day and night I stopped going to work it was a difficult thing for me because she and my kids means everything to me it's was like part of my body left me I couldn't function well, one day I was browsing on the Internet when I saw a testimony of someone testifying of a man called Dr Perfect and how he brought back his wife within 24 hours I didn't think twice about it I messaged him and told him everything that happened between me and my wife and he said he find my problem very easy for him to solve he also told me to trust him that my wife will come back and I told him I trust him and he asked for some information which I gave him, 24 hours later my wife came back home with the kids I was so surprised to see her it was like a dream to me she started crying and apologizing to me I told her it's okay I forgive her that am happy she is back we are now living happily together. If you are heart broken because your wife or husband left you email this powerful love spell caster called Dr Perfect via email
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Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had a small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on drolusoutionhome@gmail.com
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ReplyDeleteHello everyone am Lucas Martinez from USA, after 15 years of marriage, me and my wife were living happily together we loved each other so much and I Loved my family they were my top priority, until one morning me and my wife had a little argument which I know every couples do have because there are no perfect couples in this world after the argument I went to work when I came home I couldn't find my wife and our kids she also packed her bags and that of the kids and left I tried calling her but I couldn't reach her I went to her friend's house but they couldn't tell me where to find her, I was frustrated I didn't know what to do I started drinking alcohol every day and night I stopped going to work it was a difficult thing for me because she and my kids means everything to me it's was like part of my body left me I couldn't function well, one day I was browsing on the Internet when I saw a testimony of someone testifying of a man called Dr Perfect and how he brought back his wife within 24 hours I didn't think twice about it I messaged him and told him everything that happened between me and my wife and he said he find my problem very easy for him to solve he also told me to trust him that my wife will come back and I told him I trust him and he asked for some information which I gave him, 24 hours later my wife came back home with the kids I was so surprised to see her it was like a dream to me she started crying and apologizing to me I told her it's okay I forgive her that am happy she is back we are now living happily together. If you are heart broken because your wife or husband left you email this powerful love spell caster called Dr Perfect via email
You can also message him on WhatsApp +1(256)-251-3614
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ReplyDeleteHello everyone, my name is ALFREED SIANG i am here to say a big thank you to my doctor DR OLU who helped me enlarge my penis.i have never had a happy relationship in my life because of my inability to perform well due to my small penis, due to frustration,i went online in search of solution to ending my predicament and than i came across testimony on how DR OLU has helped them, so i contacted him and he promised to help me with penis enlargement,i doubted at first but i gave him a trial and he sent me the product which i used according to his prescription and in less than a week,i saw changes in my penis and it grow to the size i wanted and since then,i am now a happy man and no lady complains again about my penis.if you also need the services of my doctor,you can also contact him on his email..drolusolutionhome@gmail.com or his whataspp is +2348140654426
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, my name is ALFREED SIANG i am here to say a big thank you to my doctor DR OLU who helped me enlarge my penis.i have never had a happy relationship in my life because of my inability to perform well due to my small penis, due to frustration,i went online in search of solution to ending my predicament and than i came across testimony on how DR OLU has helped them, so i contacted him and he promised to help me with penis enlargement,i doubted at first but i gave him a trial and he sent me the product which i used according to his prescription and in less than a week,i saw changes in my penis and it grow to the size i wanted and since then,i am now a happy man and no lady complains again about my penis.if you also need the services of my doctor,you can also contact him on his email..drolusolutionhome@gmail.com or his whataspp is +2348140654426
I am so happy to let the whole word know how this powerful spell caster saved my marriage.Everything was going down the drain as my husband can not stop cheating on me with other women. It became used to always heating on me. I tried to make him stop, but I couldn't help the situation, the more I tried, the harder it becomes. At times we will fight and go apart for some months and we will come back again just because of our kids. One day a friend told me about this spell caster who helped her too, his name is Dr.oku, she said he uses white magic spells to solve spiritual problems. I decided to give it a try, I contacted him and he told me it will take just 72 hurs and I will see great changes in my husband. He actually cast a spell, believe me after 72 hurs of the spell, my husband was confessing different names of woman he has slept with. He begged for forgiveness and never to try it again. From that day till now, my mind is at rest. My husband dislike every other women on earth except me. And am so happy to have him for myself alone.The spell caster’s contact is Email: dr.usmanspellcaster@gmail.com & Whats-app on +2348064080208
ReplyDeleteI thought the physicians said there is no pills or another way for PENIS ENLARGEMENT !!! I am telling you today that Dr Aziba has the product for PENIS ENLARGEMENT and some other diseases and virus with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible. My name is KELVIN and I'm from Kentucky USA, I have been suffering with lost of depression for not been able to perform as a man in my home ever since i got married all hope were lost because my doctor says there is no other way i can ENLARGE my PENIS. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how Dr Aziba sent his herbal product to HERBERT WILSON and within the period of 7 days his PENIS began to grow and till now there no side effect recorded,I know this will be helpful to some individuals and broken home, i will drop down Dr Aziba contacts below and in case you have any other health problems like HIV,HPV ALS,DIABETIES, HEPATITIS or Relationship breakup etc..Should get in contact with DR AZIBA direct Email and WhatsApp Contacts.
ReplyDeleteContact Email: Priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com
Contact him via_Watsapp +2348100368288
God bless your home.
Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had a small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on drolusoutionhome@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteso I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, ” and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer and am so happy..feel free to contact DR OLU on(Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or whatsapp him on this number +2348140654426
Hello everyone, am very happy to share this little awesome testimony about Dr olu a great herbal doctor who help me enlarge my penis size.3.2 cm to 8.3 cm longer with his herbal cream mixture, my girlfriend is now so amazed with the autonomous size of my penis , if you you are also in need of help on how to enlarge your penis to become bigger and stronger I adverse you to contact Dr on his email (drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) ) you or contact on whatsapp number +2348140654426 because he is one of the best herbal doctor that i can only show you up to, if your penis is 4.2 cm and want to get it reach 9.2 cm within three weeks i Dr olu is also specialized on obeo m breast and boobs enlargement i advise you to contact him for help
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, am very happy to share this little awesome testimony about Dr olu a great herbal doctor who help me enlarge my penis size.3.2 cm to 8.3 cm longer with his herbal cream mixture, my girlfriend is now so amazed with the autonomous size of my penis , if you you are also in need of help on how to enlarge your penis to become bigger and stronger I adverse you to contact Dr on his email (drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) ) you or contact on whatsapp number +2348140654426 because he is one of the best herbal doctor that i can only show you up to, if your penis is 4.2 cm and want to get it reach 9.2 cm within three weeks i Dr olu is also specialized on obeo m breast and boobs enlargement i advise you to contact him for help
This year 2019 has been so blissful to me for God has given me a reason to live happily again after been heart broken for 3 months when my husband neglected me and went back to he's mistress. I suffered and went through all types of emotional tortures for i couldn't get any help to get my man back not until i was refereed to Lord Zakuza by my co-worker who gave me her full assurance about him that he can be of help to me. I got in touch with Lord Zakuza and i hearken to his words and followed the instructions given to me by him. Could you believe that my husband got back home within 12 to 16 hours as said by him and today, my marriage is restored & i'm so thankful, appreciative & grateful to God for using Lord Zakuza to get my man back after 3 months of broken marriage. Is there anyone out there who needs to get back to he's or her lover back or needs any help of any kind? Then, i suggest that you get in touch with Lord Zakuza now through his website: http://doctorzakuzaspelltemple.website2.me, or Email ID: doctorzakuzaspelltemple@hotmail.com or WhatsApp him on + 1 (740) 573–9483 for more information. God bless you sir.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dr.Ogudugu for the great work you did for me when my lover broke my heart. Dr.Ogudugu was able to bring my lover that left for about 2 months back to me within 48 hours of me contact Dr.Ogudugu. Contact Dr.Ogudugu on greatogudugu@gmail.com or better still you can give Dr.Ogudugu a call onWhatsApp +27663492930 for a better understanding for what i just said about him..
ReplyDeleteHello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors prescribe for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the internet about this specialist called Dr, OLHIA and i decided to contact him on his {oliha.miraclemedicine@gmail.com} so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, " and now it just 4 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer, and i had to settle out with my Ex girlfriend Ella, i was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLIHA I also learn that Dr OLIHA also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLIHA now for help on his email {oliha.miraclemedicine@gmail.com} or whats app him number: +2349038382931
ReplyDeleteI got married 2 years ago and it just seemed that there was no excitement in my sex life. My dysfunction to perform to the best of my abilities in bed made it harder for my wife and me to have a good time during sex. And i was having the feelings that she may decide to get a divorce one day. I knew something had to be done in order to improve my sex life and to save my marriage because my marriage was already falling apart, so when i was on my Facebook page i came across a story of how Dr Aziba helped him enlarged his penis to 8ins better.so i Immediately copied the Email address of the Dr and explained to him my problem,he gave me some simply instruction which i must follow and i did easily and my friends Today, i am the happiest man on Earth, All Thanks to Dr Aziba for saving my marriage and making me a real man today.i asked him about some purpular diseases like HERPES,HIV AIDS,HEPATITES,DIABETIS, CANCERS, WART, Get Ex back ,etc....... which are affecting most people he said there is no disease without a cure , he has it all...You can as well reach the Dr below for help on your problem, for he has the solution to all...
WhatsAPP DR [ +2348100368288 ]
This is my testimony about the good work of Dr Osasu who help me. I'm sorry
ReplyDeletefor putting this on net but i will have to by this world top spell caster
that brought back my husband which left me out for past 2 years, i
eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for
help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster
that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the
spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 2 days, my husband was back
to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell
caster, sir all you told have come to pass and thank you sir. Please i want
to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to problem, i advice you
to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever
the spell caster tell is what will happen, because all what the spell
caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email
address is drosasu25@gmail.com or directly on whasapp +2347064365391
This is my testimony about the good work of Dr Osasu who help me. I'm sorry
ReplyDeletefor putting this on net but i will have to by this world top spell caster
that brought back my husband which left me out for past 2 years, i
eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for
help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster
that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the
spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 2 days, my husband was back
to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell
caster, sir all you told have come to pass and thank you sir. Please i want
to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to problem, i advice you
to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever
the spell caster tell is what will happen, because all what the spell
caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email
address is drosasu25@gmail.com or directly on whasapp +2347064365391
I know this could be disrespectful and shameful to me but i would still share my testimony with you all whom would also need same help, i got married to my wife 5 years ago and till this moment we could not have a child because my Penis was too small to perform and could not erect, this almost cost me my marriage, i wept in close door, no help coming , so i went online for a helpful research and i came across a review written about DR. AZIBA who prepares PENIS ENLARGEMENT PRODUCT and his contact details where also written on how he prepares root and herb natural product to help grow penis , so i applied and he send it to my address and instruct me on how to use, within the period of 7days my penis is already grown from 3:5 to 8:5 and DR made it known to me that i can stop when am satisfied with the result, my dear friends this is worth celebrating and sharing with my fellow men same goes to women, i will write down his contact details so you all can contact the DR as well.
ReplyDeleteWhatsApp: +2348100368288
Email: Priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com
My name is MOORE I want to share a testimony of how Dr.Osemuhau herbal mixture cream saves me from shame and disgrace, my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and i was also having weak erection problem. I can't make love to my wife and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 4 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last two minutes it was really a thing of shame to me. My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until when i saw a testimony of how Dr.Osemuhau herbal mixture cream have been helping people regarding their sex life, so i decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise in less than one week of taking the herbs my penis grow to 8 inches i couldn't believe my eyes and as i speak now my penis is now 8 inches and i do not have week erection again. I can make love to my wife longer in bed. And my marriage is now stable,my wife now enjoy me very well in bed. can contact him drosemuhau@gmail.com {) or call or what-apps him through +2348168714427
ReplyDeleteMy name is MOORE I want to share a testimony of how Dr.Osemuhau herbal mixture cream saves me from shame and disgrace, my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and i was also having weak erection problem. I can't make love to my wife and my penis was just too small a full grown man like me having 4 inches penis and to worsen it i don't last in sex i cant even last two minutes it was really a thing of shame to me. My wife was really tired of me because my sex life was very poor,she never enjoyed sex,i was always thinking and searching for solutions everywhere until when i saw a testimony of how Dr.Osemuhau herbal mixture cream have been helping people regarding their sex life, so i decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise in less than one week of taking the herbs my penis grow to 8 inches i couldn't believe my eyes and as i speak now my penis is now 8 inches and i do not have week erection again. I can make love to my wife longer in bed. And my marriage is now stable,my wife now enjoy me very well in bed. can contact him drosemuhau@gmail.com {) or call or what-apps him through +2348168714427
ReplyDeleteGreetings to the general public, i want to give a testimony about how i was cured of HIV/AIDS disease by a Doctor UDI I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy or latest treatment on HIV and i saw many comment of people talking about how Doctor UDI cured their HIV/AIDS. I Was scared because i never believed in the Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i having no hope of been cured of HIV/AIDS so i decided to contact him with his email that was listed on the comment ( drudiherbalhome@gmail.com ) when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my HIV result came out negative. I pray for you Dr UDI God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and grate man. Am so happy today, you can also contact him if you have any problem Email: ( drudiherbalhome@gmail.com )) tel or via what-app: +2348051243538
ReplyDeleteMy names is Cindy I was diagnosed of Herpes disease 2017, I was told by my doctor that there’s no cure. I was so worried anytime i think about it,i was spending a lot on medication,and i was sacked from work,because i was always sick, infarct my life was a mess..i was just researching online I saw a lot of testimonials about Dr Afria on how he uses herbal medicine to cure so many deadly disease .... I contacted him via email: drafridherbalhome@gmail.com and told him my problems, then he said i will be totally cured within 14 days,my heart was full on joy when he said that i will be totally cured within 14 days ,i just had faith and believe,then i purchased the herbal medicine and sent him my details such as NAME,HOME ADDRESS,PHONE NUMBER ,Then Dr Afrid sent me the herbal medicine to me through courier service and I used the herbal medicine for good 14 days, then I went for check-up and my doctor confirmed that am totally free from Herpes it work like a miracle to me ,please viewers out there this is real am so happy to share this testimony .thanks to perfect health GOD WILL BLESS U . contact him through drafridherbalhome@gmail.com or whatsapp +1(412)405-1961.
ReplyDeleteIf not for Dr Ekpen what will I have done to restore joy in my marriage, may the good God continue to bless to Dr Ekpen for helping me bring my ex husband back to me after 2 years of separation. If you are passing through break up, Dr Ekpen is the perfect solution for you. Contact him today at (ekpentemple@gmail.com) or whatsapp +2347050270218.
ReplyDeletei am Nadim and i want to thank Dr idahosa for bringing back my ex boyfriend, we broke up for more than 8 month and he told me that he will never want to see me in his life again. i love him so much to the extend that i could not think of dating any man again, i was confused and depress due to the love i had for him.i did everything i could do to have him come back to me but all went in vain. so i decided to contact a spell caster, i did not believe in spell casting i just want to try it may be it would work out for me. i contacted Dr idahosa for help,and he told me that he have to cast a love spell on him, i told him to do it. after 5 days my boyfriend called me and started to apologize for leaving me and also he told me that he still love me. i was very happy and i thank Dr idahosa for helping get back my ex back to my hands. his spell is the greatest of all over the world, it was the love spell he cast on my ex that make him come back to me. all you ladies who want back their ex back i want you to contact Dr idahosa for the return of your ex boyfriend and also your ex girlfriend he can also cast any kind of spell you want him to cast for you. his contact email is dridahosasolutioncenter@gmail.com or Whatsapp number+2348134261542, just try him and their will be a solution to your problems.
ReplyDeletei am cynthia and i want to thank Dr Isiramen for bringing back my ex boyfriend, we broke up for more than 8 month and he told me that he will never want to see me in his life again. i love him so much to the extend that i could not think of dating any man again, i was confused and depress due to the love i had for him.i did everything i could do to have him come back to me but all went in vain. so i decided to contact a spell caster, i did not believe in spell casting i just want to try it may be it would work out for me. i contacted Dr Isiramen for help,and he told me that he have to cast a love spell on him, i told him to do it. after 5 days my boyfriend called me and started to apologize for leaving me and also he told me that he still love me. i was very happy and i thank Dr Isiramen for helping get back my ex back to my hands. his spell is the greatest of all over the world, it was the love spell he cast on my ex that make him come back to me. all you ladies who want back their ex back i want you to contact Dr Isiramen for the return of your ex boyfriend and also your ex girlfriend he can also cast any kind of spell you want him to cast for you. his contact email is oyimeanelisiramen@gmail.com or Whatsapp number+2348117963221, just try him and their will be a solution to your problems.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most wonderful thing i have ever experienced. I visited here online on the 5th of September and i saw a marvelous testimony of laura Aldana from United States on the forum about the good works of DR GBOGBO I never believed it, because have never heard anything about such miracle before. No body would have been able to convince me about it not until DR.GBOGBO did a marvelous work for me that restored my mairage of 4 years by getting back my husband back i just as i read on the internet. I'm Tricia Alan I was truly shocked when my husband knelt down pleading for forgiveness to accept him back. I am really short of words to use to show my appreciation to DR.GBOGBO For his a God sent to me and my entire family for divine restoration of my marriage. Contact him now for any kind of help via Email ( gbogbospelltemple@gmail.com ) or you add him on whatsApp number ( +2347059106059 ) or call him, get all your problems solve No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him now Tricia Alan THANKS TO Dr Gbogbo
ReplyDeleteThis is a testimony that i will tell everyone to hear i have been married for
ReplyDelete3years and on the 4years of my marriage another woman had a spell to take my
husband away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered
for 1year and 6 months until i meant a post where this man Dr IYOBOR have helped
someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love husband home
and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after
3days as he have told me i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my
husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make
every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to
your self His email (iyobortemplespell@gmail.com ) or call or WhatsApp him (+2348051843752 ) he can also help on PREGNANCY SPELL get all your problem solve.
No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him THANKS Dr IYOBOR
ReplyDeleteAre you in bad need of love spell to bring back your ex lover or reunite your marriage? contact Dr Sam for fast 48 hours solution. I had a problem with my husband a year and six months ago, which lead us apart. When he broke up with me, I was confuse and did not know what to do to get him back, I felt so empty inside. Until i came across Dr Sam on the internet on how He has helped so many people solve there various problem. I emailed Him and I told Him my problem and i did what he asked me to do for him to help me, to briefly make the long story short, Before I knew it, in less than 48 HOURS, my Husband gave me a call and he came back to me and told me he was sorry about what was going on between the both of us. Finally I am writing this testimony to offer my thanks and deep gratitude to you Dr Sam for keeping to your words and your promises in bringing him back to me in just 48 hours of your powerful spell casting, and for using your gifted and great powers to bring him back. If you need his help, you can email him at ( okokakspellhome@gmail.com ) or add Dr Sam on WhatsApp ( +2349060421250) or call him get all your problems solve No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him now THANKS TO Dr Sam
ReplyDeleteAre you in bad need of love spell to bring back your ex lover or reunite your marriage? contact Dr Sam for fast 48 hours solution. I had a problem with my husband a year and six months ago, which lead us apart. When he broke up with me, I was confuse and did not know what to do to get him back, I felt so empty inside. Until i came across Dr Sam on the internet on how He has helped so many people solve there various problem. I emailed Him and I told Him my problem and i did what he asked me to do for him to help me, to briefly make the long story short, Before I knew it, in less than 48 HOURS, my Husband gave me a call and he came back to me and told me he was sorry about what was going on between the both of us. Finally I am writing this testimony to offer my thanks and deep gratitude to you Dr Sam for keeping to your words and your promises in bringing him back to me in just 48 hours of your powerful spell casting, and for using your gifted and great powers to bring him back. If you need his help, you can email him at ( okokakspellhome@gmail.com ) or add Dr Sam on WhatsApp ( +2349060421250) or call him get all your problems solve No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him now THANKS TO Dr Sam
ReplyDeleteHOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
ReplyDelete+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
ReplyDelete+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
“My life is back!!! After 14 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me and our two twins. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. but thanks to a spell caster called Dr Ehi whom i met online on one faithful day as I was browsing through the internet searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure herpes and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also came across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Sonia, she testified about how Dr Ehi brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days and reverse the effect of their little boys cancer, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Ehi 's e-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give Dr Ehi a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. And in just 3 days my husband came back to me and we solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Ehi is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try Dr Ehi anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact {shomorikaspelltemple@yahoo.com} or WhatsApp him via his contact below +2349035080936 Thank you Dr Ehi.
ReplyDeleteHOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover unemespellben@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteAm DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
EMAIL: unemespellben@gmail.com WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120
Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME
What a beautiful and wonderful testimony, sometimes things you don't believe can just happen. My name is Adams Vera, from U.S.A am 28 years old i got married at the age of 24 i have only one child and i was living happily. After three years of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange and i don't really understand what was going on, he packed out of the house to another woman i love him so much that i never dreamed of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail i cry and i cry seeking for help because i was heart broken until i coincidentally came across an online spell caster called Dr. Osasu , i contacted him and explained to him what i have been going through in my marriage and he gave me the full assurance that my husband will come back to me and my marriage will be restored, He told me what to do to get my husband back and i did, he said after 3days my husband will come back to me and start begging, it really happen it was so surprising and everything was just like a miracle, ever since my family have been living with so much happiness and our relationship was now very tight because of this great and powerful spell caster.he is a very great and powerful spell caster that can be trusted and there is nothing concerning life issues he cannot solve because i am a living testimony. i know there are so many people out there who are going through similar problems in one way or the other, believe me this is the right spell caster to contact and all your problems will be forgotten. contact Dr. Osasu viaWhatsapp: +2347064365391 Email:Account drosasu25@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThanks you Dr climent Scott, for the restoration of my marriage. We have been separated for a 4 years. I started searching on the net for people who God restored their marriages and I found Dr climent the great spell caster how he has help so many relationship by his spell casting with his contact , i contact him for help suddenly after the spell casting my husband return back home 2 days after the spell casting and ask for forgiveness and now we are living together happily once again thank you Dr climent for your help. email Dr climent for help EMAIL via: whatsapp him +2347036879479 or email him drclimentscott@gmail.com / drclimentscott@gmail.com
Thanks you Dr climent Scott, for the restoration of my marriage. We have been separated for a 4 years. I started searching on the net for people who God restored their marriages and I found Dr climent the great spell caster how he has help so many relationship by his spell casting with his contact , i contact him for help suddenly after the spell casting my husband return back home 2 days after the spell casting and ask for forgiveness and now we are living together happily once again thank you Dr climent for your help. email Dr climent for help EMAIL via: whatsapp him +2347036879479 or email him drclimentscott@gmail.com / drclimentscott@gmail.com
Spell to fix your broken marriage or relationship problem or after a divorce or Breakup,I was recently scam by two of them, until one faithful day i meet a man called Dr Oselumen who help me to get back to the father of my kid after we have been separated for two years,I only pay for the items required for the spell and he cast the spell for me within 24hours my ex husband called me and beg me to forgive him for everything until the end of the world he will never leave me again we are back together.if you need a real and quick love spell or you are passing through pregnancy problem Dr Oselumen is the answer, Please if any body needs. LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY,PREGNANCY SPELL, DIVORCE SPELL,STOP COURT CASE AND WIN ANY COURT PROBLEM,DEATH SPELL,BUSINESS SPELL AND MANY MORE YOU MAY NEED. Email him now for your own help. via email droselumen@gmail.com add him on whatsapp line or call +2348054265852.
ReplyDeleteHOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover unemespellben@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteAm DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
EMAIL: unemespellben@gmail.com WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120
Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME
I’m so excited because my broken marriage has been restored & my husband is back after he left me and our 2 kids for another woman. After 8 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that DR.Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to DR.Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that DR.Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at:Account:
ReplyDeletedrosasu25@gmail.com , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2347064365391,THANKS TO DR. Osasu
Are you looking for the best help? Have you been searching all over to find a professional and real African traditional herbalist? If your answer to these questions is “YES”, then you have come to the right place! We are determined to offer exactly what you’re seeking: Fast and everlasting results! From love problems to money and Family, we provide the most authentic remedies you’ve ever encountered.
ReplyDeleteAll my spells are genuinely proven .No spell has ever failed to bring about the desired effects. Best spells ever from the best experienced spell caster. I help where others have failed.
Check from my list below and point to your problem. However, even if your problem
does not fall in the category below, don’t hesitate to email it to ME, I shall venture into it and I will of course cut open your problem and solve it.
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) If you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted at work or in your offic WSe.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be extremely rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Have you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
(10) If you want to stop your divorce.
(11) If you want to divorce your husband.
(12) Pregnancy Ritual to conceive baby
(13) Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what Stage
Email. droguduspelltemple.1@gmail.com WhatsApp at. +23408129150818.
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ReplyDeleteNEED A LOAN?
Ask Me.
TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT MY LOAN FROM A GENUINE FINANCE COMPANY LAST WEEK. Email for immediate response: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am Mrs,Leores J Miguel by name, I live in United State Of America, who have been a scam victim to so many fake lenders online between November last year till July this year but i thank my creator so much that he has finally smiled on me by directing me to this new lender who put a smile on my face this year 2020 and he did not scam me and also by not deceiving or lying to me and my friends but however this lending firm is BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE (drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com) gave me 2% loan which amount is $900,000.00 united states dollars after my agreement to their company terms and conditions and one significant thing i love about this loan company is that they are fast and unique. {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} can also help you with a legit loan offer. He Has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need a genuine loan without cost/stress he his the right loan lender to wipe away your financial problems and crisis today. BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Email: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com
When it comes to financial crisis and loan then BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Leores Jazbel direct you Good Luck....
Omg I Finally Got Helped !! I'm so excited right now, I just have to share my testimony on this Forum.. The feeling of being loved takes away so much burden from our shoulders. I had all this but I made a big mistake when I cheated on my wife with another woman and my wife left me for over 4 months after she found out.. I was lonely, sad and devastated. Luckily I was directed to a very powerful spell caster Dr Emu who helped me cast a spell of reconciliation on our Relationship and he brought back my wife and now she loves me far more than ever.. I'm so happy with life now. Thank you so much Dr Emu, kindly Contact Dr Emu Today and get any kind of help you want.. Via Email emutemple@gmail.com or Call/WhatsApp +2347012841542
ReplyDeleteI actually was told otherwise that the herpes can not be treated and that there is no way to make it go away once you have it. But I decided to do my own research and found out it is possible to fight it .. I got a lot of information about it here in forums and online, I got Dr Ogala contact on a group were a man from Cordova was sharing his testimony of how he cured him of herpes so I decided to give him a try I emailed him through drogala03@gmail.com. he called me to know if I actually wanted the cured after which the cure was sent to me a few days later I was surprised when the same doctor who told me that I was diagnosed of herpes told me that I was completely free from herpes you can reach him through his email drogala03@gmail.com. or through his WhatsApp +2347049668119 if you are diagnosed and also wanna be free from this deadly virus because he is really gonna be of help to you,
ReplyDeleteGod has sent Dr Ogedegbe to help people out from this horrible virus. I was diagnosed with HPV for 4 years, a few months ago a friend introduced me to dr Ogedegbe and I only took his natural treatment for a week & 3 days, and I totally got cured with his herbal treatment. If you are suffering from HPV, you don’t have to be roaming round dr Ogedegbe email is attached, contact him on email: dr.ogedegbe6@gmail.com or whatsapp/call him via +2348109374702 ….
ReplyDeleteHOW I GO MY DESIRED LOAN AMOUNT FROM A RELIABLE AND TRUSTED LOAN COMPANY LAST WEEK. Email for immediate response: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Whatsapp +19292227023
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, My name is Mr.Justin Riley Johnson, I am from Texas, United State, am here to testify of how i got my loan from BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE(drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com) after i applied Two times from various loan lenders who claimed to be lenders right here this forum,i thought their lending where real and i applied but they never gave me loan until a friend of mine introduce me to {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} the C.E.O of BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE who promised to help me with a loan of my desire and he really did as he promised without any form of delay, I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen}, who really helped me with my loan and changed my life for the better. I don't know if you are in need of an urgent loan also, So feel free to contact Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen on his email address: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Whatsapp +19292227023 Email: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com and consider all your financial problems tackled and solved. Share this to help a soul right now, Thanks
I read some of DR JOHN SOCO, testimonies about how he helped many people bring back their lovers in 4 days with a love spell. I was having problem with my boyfriend so I decided to contact him because I love my boyfriend so much. he left home and said he is not interested in the relationship anymore for no reason, i was in shock. I contacted DR JOHNSOCO, and he told me that my boyfriend would come back to me in the next 4 days, DR JOHNSOCO, made a love spell and this made my boyfriend eye open to see how much we love each other and he came back home. As I write this testimony, I am the happiest girl on earth. my boyfriend and I are living a happy life and our love is now stronger than it was before we broke up. All thanks to DR JOHNSOCO, for the excessive work he did for me, helping me get back with my boyfriend. if you are facing any relationship problem and want a quick solution contact DR JOHNSOCO,on Email: drjohnsoco@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +1 (706) 871-4571 .
ReplyDeleteHOW I GO MY DESIRED LOAN AMOUNT FROM A RELIABLE AND TRUSTED LOAN COMPANY LAST WEEK. Email for immediate response: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Whatsapp +19292227023
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, My name is Mr.Justin Riley Johnson, I am from Texas, United State, am here to testify of how i got my loan from BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE(drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com) So feel free to contact Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen on his email address: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Whatsapp +19292227023 Email: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com and consider all your financial problems tackled and solved. Share this to help a soul right now, Thanks
Do you need an urgent loan of any kind? Loans to liquidate debts or need to loan to improve your business have you been rejected by any other banks and financial institutions? Do you need a loan or a mortgage? This is the place to look, we are here to solve all your financial problems. We borrow money for the public. Need financial help with a bad credit in need of money. To pay for a commercial investment at a reasonable rate of 3%, let me use this method to inform you that we are providing reliable and helpful assistance and we will be ready to lend you. Contact us today by email: daveloganloanfirm@gmail.com Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 And whatsapp: +1 (315) 640-3560
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